Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin, Germany


Prof. Dr. Dörthe Tetzlaff
d.tetzlaff (at) igb-berlin.de
Dörthe is Professor of Ecohydrology at the Humboldt University of Berlin and also Head of Department of Ecohydrology & Biogeochemistry at IGB. Her research has the basic aim of understanding the spatial and temporal variability of how catchments function hydrologically at different scales; understanding the physical processes that generate stream flow, and the way these processes influence the hydrochemistry and hydroecology of streams. This has explored an interdisciplinary interface that seeks to understand the interaction between physical and biological processes in catchments and river systems to aid understanding of the sensitivity and ability of catchments to mediate implications of climate change. Novel to her research is the incorporation of tracer data into hydrological models in order to assess appropriate model complexity and structures. She has pursued a strong focus on international inter-catchment comparison; using insights from different geographical environments to synthesise a more holistic understanding of hydrological and ecological function.

Prof. Dr. Michael T. Monaghan
Michael heads the Molecular Ecology and Genomics research group at IGB, where molecular genomics and evolutionary bioinformatics are used to study how freshwater organisms respond to environmental change. In BiNatUr, he leads the work using eDNA to study freshwater biodiversity in urban aquaNBS. This is one of several large, interdisciplinary projects in which the research group provides an ecological component to studies aiming to manage societal needs and biodiverse ecosystems. He is Professor of Biology at Freie Universität Berlin, Deputy Head of the Department of Evolutionary & Integrative Ecology at IGB, and Spokesperson of the Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research.

Dr. Maria Magdalena Warter
Maria is a PostDoc in the Department of Ecohydrology & Biogeochemistry at IGB. Her research focuses on integrating eDNA and hydrologic isotopes to understand freshwater dynamics and urban ecohydrological interactions. She obtained her Bachelor’s in Environmental Engineering at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences in Vienna, Austria and her Master’s in International Land and Water Management at Wageningen University in The Netherlands. During her PhD she focused on the detection of vegetation water stress in drought-prone regions of the Southwestern USA by integrating climate and remote sensing data with different ecohydrological modeling frameworks to assess vegetation responses to varying water availability under current and future climate change.

Hanna Kissener
Hanna is a master’s student in the Biology program at Freie Universität Berlin with a focus on Biodiversity-Evolution-Ecology. Alongside her bachelor thesis in the field of ecology about the impact of microplastics from car tire abrasion on plants, she was introduced to molecular techniques as a Student Assistant at Charité - Berlin University of Medicine. Both experiences made her aim to combine molecular techniques with ecologic questions in her work. She is currently conducting her thesis research at IGB and studies the biodiversity of aquaNBS using eDNA to investigate communities of bacteria, diatoms, and green algae.

Project funders:
This research was funded through the 2020-2021 Biodiversa and Water JPI joint call for research projects, under the BiodivRestore ERA-NET Cofund (GA N°101003777), with the EU and the funding organisations The Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Belgium; Academy of Finland (AKA), VDI/VDE-IT, Germany; National Science Center (NCN), Poland and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal